Well, it's been a long time since I've posted anything because it seems like a long time since any real progress has been made on the house. I think that in the wake of Hurricane Harvey all of the subcontractors took on extra work and our house was neglected :( But we are back on track and the stairs are done! They still need to be stained, but it's exciting to see the the carpentry done because this was the impetus for the whole renovation project. We knew we needed to redo the stairs and everything else just snowballed from there. 'Before' The stairs look great!!! They have started on the flooring this week and have already made great progress. There is a lot of floating required to level the floor, so that is slowing things down, but I love the way the laminate looks. Leveling the floor outside the master bathroom The living room floor was pretty torn up from removing the tile and they ...
Shelob's Remodeled Lair
New Home Remodel: our journey 'there and back again'